confusing Santa with God —

Dear Santa - forgive me if I am confusing you with God
I would like world peace 
I would like world hunger to end
I want clean air for everyone - clean water too to drink and swim in 
I want violence to end 
(oh I want my younger body back too - I recall being a size 8 -- I can be slightly selfish) 
I want people to pay attention - not walk into traffic blindly staring at their phones and drivers to pay attention and not text or search behind the wheel
I want Covid to go away
I want people to feel adequate as in I mean generally - so they don't feel like they have to act like an idiot to get attention -- or walk over the poor -- or exploit or take advantage of -- just so they feel good about themselves - build a bigger house -- or buy a fancy car -- it isn't about a loss of ambition I mean lots of people can learn skills - or do new things - but within reason while keeping other people and creatures in mind
I want naturally good health for people -- can you just get rid of cancer please -I've lost too many people to it - 
I want computers to not be so relevant or necessary 
Can you make people stop telling huge and harmful lies?  And leading others astray? Or at least give people the will - to not be led astray - the mind and the heart to think for themselves -- the energy to do that too - 
Can you make people more grateful for everything they have -- I mean that is such a cure for what ails people 
I want animals protected in the wild -- I want a way to heal the environment 
Lots of snow and ice in the far north for the polar bears
Yes I hear you in my head Santa Claus - all these things people could do for themselves -- if they could work together -- but here is the thing -- they don't and they aren't -- at least give em nudge a push a helping hand  -- they don't seem to be learning the obvious or not making the connections --  (oh and I lost weight before without trying ... and with trying .. so I know that is possible too ...)  
And give people the power to see the play in the work they do -- like the seven dwarfs -- I can't whistle like my Dad could - but I have an inner tune -- that always seems to get me through ...  

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