I think he stole it

Remember how you blamed lance for loosing things on you?
Here is the thing I don't think he lost the machete 
That you guys used to cut coconuts from trees -- 
I think he came back to town during that time 
I think he saw me hanging out with both you guys
I think he took it 
Not cause he wanted it 
Or to use it 
He took it 
because he was afraid you might use it 
like the way he used it once
When he was living in the rain forest
with his girlfriend 
she said she was gonna leave
and it sent him into rage 
and he chased her with it 
never caught her 
but he told me he would have killed her if he did
not that I believed him for a second 
I'm like that - or I was like that
dismissing people's confessions
they tell me their secrets all the time 
just like you told me what had happened to you    
But I think he stole it 
So you couldn't use it like the way he did
Just in case 
people project sometimes 
I am pretty sure that Lance was innocent 
of loosing it on you ... like so many 
other things you complained about 
he took it to protect me 
at least in his mind

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